Thursday, June 28, 2012

Presso manual espresso machine pt2

presso part 2
With my Rocky in hand, it's time for part 2 of my Presso trial.  Using the same equipment aside from grinder and same coffee as before, I dialed in the grinder.  I few tries later, here's what I got

final shot
final shot top
final shot 2
final shot side
There's the shot I ended up with.  I think the shot is still over extracted but didn't have time to keep trying.  That being said, the taste wasn't bad so i kept it.

shot comparison
shot comparison
Here's the shots of manual and rocky side by side.  I do think the manual looks better, but that's a product of coffee freshness and lack to time to further dial in the rocky.  I have not been able to reproduce the shot on the right using manual grinder.  Taste-wise i think even the over extracted shot was not bad and only a bit worse than the shot on the right.  Again, coffee freshness has something to do with this.  The grind was pretty even compared to manual as well.  I think for someone getting into more serious coffee business, Rocky can really improve the quality of the coffee you're making with investing in a $1k+ machine.

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